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Water Treatment

Our water treatment solutions are design to meet your unique needs

Wastewater Treatment

Federal and provincial laws prevent organizations from disposing of their wastewater and wash-water into public sewers and streams. To help meet these requirements, our solutions are customized for your specific needs.

Chemical Treatment

New tech in wastewater management, such as bioreactor systems and membrane filtration, are changing the way industries deal with wastewater. These methods help meet environmental rules and improve sustainability by cutting down on energy consumption and pollution.

PH-3020D Series

The PH-3020 water treatment system maintains proper pH of wastewater in order for solids to settle out quicker, emulsified oils to become more buoyant, and for some metals to precipitate.

Compact CoAg Module

The Compact CoAg uses special chemicals to clump together particles in the water. This process makes it faster and easier to remove suspended solids and most types of emulsified oils.

Oil & Water Separation

Free oil/water separators let oil float to the surface to be skimmed off, while water is pulled off from below the surface. Removing free oil is important for safely sending waste streams to a city sewer and for preparing water for bio-remediation treatment systems.

Our solutions provide various options for oil removal, depending on the type and amount of oil that needs to be separated.


The Alpha is a highly efficient above-ground oil/water separator. It treats and discharges collected wash water to meet provincial and federal sewer and sanitation regulations.


The CLT-600 clarifier system can be used as a pre-treatment, post-treatment, or a stand-alone treatment system. It has a 600-gallon tank with a lid and a manual purge valve at the bottom.


The CLT-300 clarifier system can be applied as a pre-treatment, post-treatment or as a stand-alone treatment system. It features a 300-gallon tank with lid and manual purge at the bottom.


Filtration equipment is used to remove suspended solids from a waste stream. This includes pre-screening debris to prevent clogs in downstream equipment, polishing a clarified stream, and dewatering collected solids for easier handling.

These processes help ensure that the wastewater treatment system operates efficiently and effectively.

High-Boy Indexing Polishing Filter

The Indexing Polishing Filter (IPF) can be used before or after other treatments to remove particles. The IPF uses different types of filter paper to get the best results. This makes it able to handle different types of particles effectively.


The REC/ZCF Skid is a strong and versatile pumping and filtration system. It can act as the central part of various treatment processes to treat, discharge, or recycle water.


Bioremediation uses tiny organisms to eat organic pollutants in a waste stream. These systems also need air and micronutrients to keep the organisms healthy.

This is often the best way to treat these contaminants onsite. Proper pretreatment to remove most suspended solids and free oil will greatly improve the results.


The PM-1000D is an automatic pit management system that offers a fully automated and low-cost solution for managing standing wash water in collection pits, tanks, or sump drains.


No city sewer nearby? High hauling fees? Evaporation might be the simple solution! Every water treatment system needs to get rid of water eventually.

Evaporators can cut 95% of hauling costs by concentrating solids and turning water into steam.


The WB-120A Water Blaze is an energy-efficient wastewater evaporator system. It can handle waste streams at 120 gallons per hour and has high-quality burner components.


The WB-50A Water Blaze is an energy-efficient wastewater evaporator system. It can handle waste streams at 60 gallons per hour and has high-quality burner components.


The HBG-30D evaporator is a uniquely energy-efficient tool that uses natural gas or propane to heat and evaporate wastewater. It can handle up to 30 gallons per hour.

Evaporator Belt

The electric-powered Evaporator Belt is ideal for low-volume wastewater evaporation. It heats non-flammable liquids to evaporate from a standard steel drum.